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Macro and Darkroom night


7 April 2021 at 9:30:00 am

Wednesday the 7th April was a big night at Primrose Park Photography: We had our darkroom group exhibiting some of their work in the mezzanine gallery, we had macro shots on display downstairs and Lisa Moore the daughter of the icon of Australian photography, David Moore, officially opened our ‘new’ David Moore Darkroom.
David La Roche was one of our Darkroom Group exhibitors and his body of work, created by rendering abstract computer generated shapes, then photographing them on large format film, creating silver gelatin enlargements via the darkroom captured the imagination and admiration of members. His work was chosen to feature in our monthly on-line calendar.
Philip Ramsden was our guest evaluator of all things Macro on the night and he also lent a hand to evaluate the darkroom work in the absence of our patron Gordon Undy.
Simon’s ‘peas in a pod’ macro shot was one of Philip Ramsden’s 3 favourites and the audience chose it to be featured in the monthly calendar.
Andy Rogers demonstrated the Personal Presentation Photo mat which celebrates our 30 years and was handed to all members at the meeting.

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